Discover the Power of Self-Care: Be a Self-Carist and Put Yourself First! ‍

January 15, 2023

woemn holding cucumber over one eye with bath towel on her head

We all have experienced the feeling of being overwhelmed and stressed out, but have you ever thought about how taking care of yourself can help in coping with these feelings? 

Self-care is the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one’s health mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

 women feeling calm after using nefertem products

It is an act of self-love, self-compassion, and self-respect. If practiced regularly, self-care can help us in managing stress and anxiety, improving our mental and physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing. 

It can help us feel as though we are living in our purpose, appreciated, and well cared for.

It can prevent feelings of resentment towards others we might care for and strengthen our relationships. 

Self-care is an empowering act that can serve us throughout life…and this is why we’re coining the term Self-Carist™ and Self-Carism™.

Because it’s time to embrace our role as Self-Carists, practicing Self-Carism every day!

3 older women enjoying selfcare while using nefertem products

And if you’re ready to embrace your role as a Self-Carist too, check out these amazing Intention Kits by Nefertem, designed to make self-Carism easy, fun and oh so aromatic! 

nefertem intention kit ad

What is Self-Care?

Self-care is an act of taking time for ourselves and our own needs. It is about making time for yourself and engaging in activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. 

It is a way of taking care of your physical, mental, and emotional health, and it can be as simple as taking a break from your daily routine to do something you enjoy. Self-care is not just about pampering yourself with expensive spa treatments or luxurious vacations. It is about taking small steps towards taking care of yourself, such as exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep.

Self-care is also about being mindful of your feelings and needs, and taking time to address them. It is about creating healthy boundaries and setting limits on how much time you spend on activities that do not help in improving your wellbeing.

women journaling in a notebook  

Self-care is about taking responsibility for yourself and your own happiness, and not relying on someone else to do it for you.

Why is self-care important?

Self-care is important because it helps us in managing our stress, improving our mental and physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing.

In our fast-paced world, it is easy to become overwhelmed with our everyday tasks and responsibilities. 

women looking stressed as she is working on a laptop

Taking time for ourselves helps us in dealing with the stress and anxiety that come with our day-to-day lives.

Self-care also helps us in improving our physical health by allowing us to take the time to engage in activities that nourish our bodies.

Self-care is also important because it helps us in taking care of our mental health. Engaging in self-care activities allows us to take a break from our stressful lives and spend time focusing on ourselves and our own needs. 

Taking care of our mental health means recognizing our feelings and needs, and taking the time to address them.

Self-care also helps us in developing healthy coping mechanisms, such as meditation and journaling, which can be used to manage stress and anxiety.

Self-care is also important because it helps us in developing self-awareness and self-compassion. Taking time for ourselves allows us to become more aware of our feelings and needs, and to become more compassionate towards ourselves and others. 

Self-care helps us in understanding our own needs and feelings, and in learning how to express them in healthy ways.

older women exercising

It also helps us in developing healthy boundaries and setting limits on how much time we spend on activities that do not help in improving our wellbeing.

Benefits of Self-Care

The benefits of self-care are numerous. Self-care helps us in managing stress, improving our mental and physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing. It helps us in developing self-awareness and self-compassion, and in understanding our own needs and feelings. 

Self-care also helps us in developing healthy coping mechanisms and setting healthy boundaries.

Self-care also helps us in improving our productivity and performance. When we are feeling stressed and overwhelmed, it is hard to focus and be productive. 

Taking time for ourselves helps us in recharging and refocusing, which can help in improving our productivity and performance. Self-care also helps us in cultivating a positive mindset, which can be beneficial in all aspects of our lives.

Finally, self-care helps us in improving our relationships. Taking time for ourselves allows us to take a break from our stressful lives and spend time focusing on ourselves and our own needs.

This can help us in creating healthier relationships with others, as we are able to better understand and respond to their needs when our own needs have already been met.

friends laughing and smiling together

Types of Self-Care

There are many different types of self-care activities that can help in managing stress, improving our mental and physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing. 

Here are some of the most common types of self-care activities:

🪄Physical self-care activities: Physical self-care activities involve taking time for yourself to engage in activities that nourish your body, such as exercising, eating healthy, and getting enough sleep.

🪄Mental self-care activities: Mental self-care activities involve taking time for yourself to engage in activities that nourish your mind, such as journaling, reading, and meditating.

person meditation after using nefertem intention kit

🪄Emotional self-care activities: Emotional self-care activities involve taking time for yourself to engage in activities that nourish your spirit, such as spending time with friends, taking a break from technology, and engaging in creative activities. Or allowing yourself to have a good cry without any judgment or hesitation. 

🪄Spiritual self-care activities: Spiritual self-care activities involve taking time for yourself to engage in activities that nourish your soul, such as yoga, prayer, and nature walks.

How to Practice Self-Care

Practicing self-care can be as simple as taking a break from your daily routine to do something you enjoy. Here are some tips for how to practice self-care:

✨Make time for yourself: Make time for yourself every day to engage in activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit. Try incorporating self care into your daily hygiene routine. It’s a simply way to enhance what you’re already doing which can make a huge impact!

✨Set boundaries: Set boundaries and limits on how much time you spend on activities that do not help in improving your wellbeing.

✨Practice mindfulness: Practice mindfulness by being aware of your thoughts and feelings, and taking time to address them.

✨Take breaks: Take regular breaks from your daily routine to give yourself time to recharge and refocus.

✨Prioritize your health: Make your physical and mental health a priority by engaging in self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

women eating a bowl of salad

How to Make Self-Care a Priority

Making self-care a priority can be difficult, especially when we are feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by an already over-extended schedule. 

Here are some tips for how to make self-care a priority:

🪄Make a self-care plan: Make a plan for how you will practice self-care on a regular basis. This could involve setting aside time each day to engage in self-care activities, or creating a list of activities that you can do when you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. As mentioned above, a great way is to enhance your already everyday activities such as your bathing routine with essential oils and positive affirmations sprinkled throughout. Try one of Nefertem’s Intention Kits to make this practice super easy and so much fun!

🪄Get organized: Get organized by creating a schedule or to-do list that includes time for self-care.

person writing on a calendar

🪄Prioritize your needs: Prioritize your needs by recognizing your feelings and needs, and taking time to address them.

🪄Ask for help: Ask for help if you are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out. This could involve talking to a friend or family member, or seeking professional help if necessary.

🪄Say no: Learn to say no to activities or tasks that do not help in improving your wellbeing.

Self-Care Activities

There are many different self-care activities that can help in managing stress, improving our mental and physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing. 

Here are some self-care activities that can be done on a regular basis

✨Exercise: Exercise can help in managing stress, improving our physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing.

✨Eat healthy: Eating healthy can help in improving our physical and mental health. Try to eat foods in a variety of colors from the rainbow: oranges, red berries, green leafy vegetables, blueberries, yellow squash, etc… Eating a rainbow of colors can have the added benefit of strengthening your chakras. 

✨Get enough sleep: Getting enough sleep can help in managing stress and improving our mental and physical health. Try to get at least 8 hours every night. Start by going to bed just 10 minutes earlier this week, then 20 minutes earlier next week, until you get as much sleep in one night that helps you feel fully refreshed in the morning.

women sleeping comfortably

✨Enhance your bathing routine: Incorporate positive affirmations, mindfulness, and aromatherapy into your shower or bath. Incorporate Nefertem’s holistic skincare products to maximize your efforts.

✨Take a break from technology: Taking a break from technology can help in reducing stress and improving our mental health. Set a time limit per day. If you’re used to being on your phone 3 hours per day, start to decrease that number by 30 minutes every week, until you get down to 1 hour or less. This practice also helps you to create more time in your schedule for the other self-care activities.

✨Spend time with friends and family: Spending time with friends and family can help in improving our mental health and increasing our overall wellbeing. Invite everyone over for a family dinner, make plans to go to the movies with your friends, and host a party from time to time if that feels right for you.

✨Engage in creative activities: Engaging in creative activities, such as painting, drawing, and writing, can help in managing stress and improving our mental health.

women painting

✨Practice mindfulness: Practicing mindfulness can help in managing stress and improving our mental and physical health. Again, try to be fully aware during your shower to bring mindfulness into your everyday activities. 

✨Take a break: Taking a break from our daily routine can help in reducing stress and improving our overall wellbeing. Choose one day per week that you block off exclusively for self care activities. This can even look like organizing a closet in your home, paying bills without being strapped for time, or washing all your laundry.

Self-Care Tips

Here are some tips for practicing self-care:

🪄Start small: Start small and build up to more regular self-care activities.

🪄Be consistent: Be consistent and make self-care a regular part of your routine.

🪄Find what works for you: Find what works for you and practice self-care activities that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

older women dancing while listening to music

🪄Listen to your body: Listen to your body and be aware of your needs and feelings.

🪄Take time for yourself: Take time for yourself every day to nurture your body, mind, and spirit.

🪄Celebrate your victories: Celebrate your victories, even if it is something as small as taking a break from your daily routine.

Self-Care Resources

Here are some resources that can help in practicing self-care:

✨Online self-care courses: There are many online self-care courses that can help in learning more about self-care and how to practice it on a regular basis.

✨Self-care books: There are many self-care books that can help in understanding self-care and how to make it a priority.

women reading a book

✨Self-care blogs: There are many self-care blogs that can help in learning more about self-care and how to practice it on a regular basis (just like this one🤗).

✨Self-care apps: There are many self-care apps that can help in managing stress and improving our mental and physical health.

✨Self-care products: There are many self-care products, such as Nefertem Intention Kits, that can help in creating a space to take care of yourself.

nefertem intention kit ad


Self-care is an important part of our lives. It can help in managing stress, improving our mental and physical health, and increasing our overall wellbeing. It is an act of self-love, self-compassion, and self-respect, and it is important to make it a priority in our lives. 

There are many different types of self-care activities that can be done on a regular basis, such as exercising, eating healthy, getting enough sleep, and taking mindful showers. 

women showering

There are also many resources available, such as online courses, books, blogs, apps, and products, that can help in practicing self-care.

At the end of the day, it is important to remember that self-care is an act of self-love and self-respect, and it is important to make time for yourself and take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health. 

So, be a self-carist and put yourself first! Create a space to take care of yourself with Nefertem Intention Kits.

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